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55 Day PureHeart Challenge
Part 1: Returning to God's Ways
Day 1 - Process to Freedom
My Testimony (optional)
Talk with Jesus
God's Instructions ARE His Love
Day 2 - Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 3 - Psalm 119 (5:14)
Discovery Bible
Seeing yourself as God sees you. Seeing others as God sees them.
Day 4 - Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus
Day 5 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
What shaped your views on sex and sexuality?
Day 6 - Psalm 119
Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus (5:40)
Day 7 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 8 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 9 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
Go Deeper (optional)
No Compromise
Day 10 - Process to Freedom
5 Points on Compromise
Talk with Jesus
Day 11 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
Day 12 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
Day 13 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
Toppling our Idols
Day 14 - Idolatry
Set Free
Discovery Bible
Day 15 - Psalm 119
Talk with Jesus
Go Deeper (optional) (5:12)
Day 16 - Psalm 119
Discovery Bible
Part 2: The Cross
Day 17 - Do you believe?
Justified by Faith
New Life
Day 18 - Discovery Bible
Go Deeper (optional) (8:02)
Forgiven, Healed, Unburdened, Purified, Restored
Day 19 - Discovery Bible
Process to Freedom (6:41)
Talk with Jesus
Day 20 - Process to Freedom (7:14)
Talk with Jesus (2:14)
Day 21 - Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus
Day 22 - Facts about Shame, Part 1
Facts about Shame, Part 2
Facts about Shame, Part 3
Go Deeper (optional) (9:44)
Day 23 - Process to Freedom (5:20)
Talk with Jesus
Go Deeper (optional) (3:14)
New Creation
Day 24 - Process to Freedom (2:16)
Declaration Verses
Day 25 - Process to Freedom
Discovery Bible
Day 26 - 7 Truths for New Creations in Christ (14:06)
Go Deeper (optional)
Part 3: Let's talk about singleness!
Day 27 - Singleness and Sexuality
Go Deeper (optional) (18:45)
Day 28 - Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus
Singleness is a good time for...
What was the defining moment where you actually understood that your sexual purity was worth protecting?
Day 29 - Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus
Sex Drive, Dreams and Memories
Day 30 - Definitions
Sex Drive
Are You Feeding Your Sexual Desire?
Talk with Jesus
Day 31 - Memories and Thought-life
Sexual Dreams
Process to Freedom (7:15)
Talk with Jesus
Day 32 - The M Word: Why I closed that door
The M Word: How I closed that door
Talk with Jesus
Honoring God In My Singleness
Day 33 - Process to Freedom
Day 34 - Honoring God with my Body and Sexuality
Process to Freedom (1)
Process to Freedom (2)
Process to Freedom (3)
Day 35 - Self Control
Discovery Bible
Talk with Jesus
Go Deeper (optional) (5:01)
Part 4: Learning to Stand
Day 36 - Process to Freedom
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 37 - Process to Freedom
Temptation - What does the Bible say?
Tips for Resisting Temptation
Day 38 - Temptations, Trials, and Testings
Process to Freedom (11:23)
Day 39 - Process to Freedom (4:43)
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 40 - Process to Freedom (8:36)
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 41 - Process to Freedom (5:21)
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 42 - Escape
Discovery Bible
The Power of Sharing (optional) (6:44)
Persevering Under Trial
Day 43 - Process to Freedom (13:31)
Talk with Jesus
Go Deeper (optional)
Dream with Him (12:57)
Part 5: Never Thirst Again
Day 44 - The Desert
Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus
Day 45 - Process to Freedom
Discovery Bible
Day 46 - Never Thirst Again
Discovery Bible
Talk with Jesus
The One my Heart Loves
Day 47 - The One My Heart Loves (1:04)
Talk with Jesus
Day 48 - Process to Freedom
Discovery Bible
Day 49 - Process to Freedom
Talk with Jesus
Go Deeper (optional)
Day 50 - Process to Freedom (3:25)
Discovery Bible
Day 51 - Process to Freedom (29:04)
To Know
To Unite
Day 52 - Learning to Live as the Bride: His Desire is for me
Learning to Live as the Bride: I Will Give You my Love
No Longer Single
Submission to Jesus
Eyes on Jesus
Yoked with Jesus
Cared for by Jesus
Day 53 - Learning to Live as the Bride: I Will Search for the One my Heart Loves
Take Me Away with You
I Looked for Him But Did Not Find Him
I Will Not Let Him Go
Day 54 - Learning to Live as the Bride: Delight Yourself in the Lord
Process to Freedom
Discovery Bible
Honoring God in my Desire for Marriage
Day 55 - Honoring God in My Desire to be Married
The Fear of the Lord
Journey to the Altar
Talk with Jesus
There is None Like You
He wants our ALL
Crucified with Christ
Our Desires - Go Deeper (optional)
I Will Praise You
Teach online with
Day 14 - Idolatry
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